Our vision + values
Nature guides us + Justice awakens us + Montessori roots us + Joy connects us.
Our values evolve as our consciousness grows, as our awareness broadens, and as our compassion deepens. As the great Dr. Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.”
At The Perigee Collective, we strive to do better by cultivating a deep connection to oneself, to one’s community and to nature by offering enriching educational experiences that are dedicated to prioritizing one’s developmental learning progression, centering justice, equity and service, and by embracing a challenging, eclectic curriculum that inspires us to grow. We envision a cooperative, culturally diverse, interconnected micro community that co-evolves and works together to protect both vulnerable people and fragile ecological environments. We look forward to inviting you to join our community!
Please take a moment to view the film Green is Magic which was written, directed, filmed AND EDITED by children at Camp Perigee.
GREEN IS MAGIC! Environmental Activism and Filmmaking Project @ The Perigee
Our vision and values are most beautifully highlighted by the children, teachers and families who give them life at The Perigee programs every day.
Be silly.
Be honest.
Be kind.